Monday, 27 August 2012

Granny's Fall Walleye

Nice stringer, Gran!
Three weeks ago, we sat on our cabin porch and commented that the air had changed somehow. It was subtle. A little fresher in the mornings. Ever so slightly cooler in the evenings. Daytime weather was scorching-->still hot enough for regular swims off the doc-->but, undeniably, fall was in the air. Summer was tired.

We briefly thought about the amazing first season we've had and how sad it was that it's ending. Too soon, too soon, like all the best things in life! Then we went walleye fishing and forgot all about our first world problems.

Fall walleye are huge. The bite is hot. Catching them makes people happy.

Check out our granny's smile.That could be you. We still have room at the lodge.

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